This is a difficult time for everyone, and the mediators at Family Mediation Works are here for you. Safety is our number one concern and are pleased to let you know that all of our staff are fully vaccinated.
We will continue to provide services in a convenient and safe manner. Our mediators are set up to conduct mediation by way of video conference.
Email to schedule a consultation.
Mississauga | Brampton | Oakville | Milton | Toronto
Cost of Mediation
The cost of mediation is much more economical for the average family than if both parties were to hire their own lawyers. Having lawyers on both sides can quickly add up to many thousands of dollars. Engaging a mediator can drastically reduce this cost, as the cost of one professional is shared by both parties.
When you engage one of the comprehensive mediators at Family Mediation Works, we ask for a $500 deposit from each party prior to commencing the first meeting.
The mediator bills on an hourly basis, at the rate of $450 per hour. This is set out on the Mediation Retainer Agreement that the parties are required to sign prior to the commencement of the mediation.
The total cost of the mediation will depend on the complexity of your individual case. The average is cost is $3,000 - $6,000, however, it could be more or less depending on your specific circumstances. You will receive interim accounts throughout the mediation to keep you updated as to the cost.